Author: Stefan Bachmann (this is his first novel)
Genre: Murder Mystery/Gothic Fantasy/steampunk adventure
What it's about: This AWESOME book takes place in England and is about two completely different characters, Bartholomew (a changeling - half human and half faery - who lives in a very dingy and poor neighborhood) and Mr. Jelliby (a member of Parliament who is very lazy). One day, Bartholomew sees a queer rich woman come and take away another changeling who lives on the same street as himself by whisking him away in a whirling of black feathers. Eventually, the two main characters surprisingly, against all odds, meet up on a fast-paced journey to try to stop another Parliament member, Mr. Lickerish (who is the first faery to become a member of Parliament) from destroying all of England. Can they do it?
What do you think of it? I LOVED this book so much that it is now one of my new favorite books. Even though this book does not have nonstop action, Stefan Bachmann writes it so well that it sounds just so awesome, like, for instance:
"The bearded man (Dr. Harrow) gave a small bow. 'Oh, not at all,' he said, and his blue eyes gleamed with a strange light. 'Not...at...all.'With a flourish, he opened the door to the cell and held it for Mr. Jelliby to step through.
Mr. Jelliby smiled weakly. He walked toward the door. But just as he was crossing the threshold, he spun. His fist flew up and struck the doctor square between the eyes. Then he bolted down the corridor.
'Boy?' he cried, knocking aside the guard and hurtling up the stairs. 'Boy, get out of here!'
Dr. Harrow's lips :they hadn't moved.""
See what I mean? That was the main reason I so liked this book. There was nothing at all that I disliked about this book.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Who would like this book? Even though I think this book is so spectacular, it is a tiny bit gory (corpses, hollow bodies, and faeries growing out of the back of peoples' heads), so the book is appropriate for 5th grade and up along with mature 4th graders. For readers who like books about magic or mysterious creatures, this is a book for you.
Reviewed by HE